In the digital age, online news publishing has become increasingly competitive, with...
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6 Creative Ways to Get People to Share Your Article
Getting people to share articles is crucial to the success of news websites. Sharing increases the reach of the article as well as increasing the chances the article will get a backlink. Both help Google rankings as well as...
SEO Readiness Checklist for Online News Publishers
News publishers can’t ignore SEO, regardless of the strength of their content or brand. So, here is an SEO checklist customized specifically for online news publishers. SSL Encryption SSL encryption involves securing the transmission of data between your servers and...
Does Google AMP Help In Improving Online Engagement and Customer Acquisition?
Google AMP AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages, and it is an open source platform that allows content to be delivered almost instantaneously, with the goal of creating the smoothest, seamless experience for the viewer. AMP format pages are in essence stripped down...
The Importance of Google AMP for Online News Publishers
Google has been on a mission, almost since the day it launched, to do things on the internet quickly. This means ensuring its own products are fast, but its recent mission has also included making the whole internet faster, including your website. This is the goal of...
Why You Should Be Using A.I. for Audience Acquisition & Engagement.
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is the hottest topic in almost any industry now. In this post, I will discuss some of the A.I. tools that help in solving direct pain points in the online news/publishing industry. What I would list first are time saving tools -...
Online News Video Strategies That Worked
The past two years, and more specifically 2016-2017, witnessed the rise and “fall” of the “pivot to video” strategy for online news publishers. It goes without saying that videos: are more attractive than text => Higher CTR/PageViewsengage visitors longer =>...
Klangoo Partners with Local Media Consortium (LMC)
Founded in 2013, the Local Media Consortium (LMC) is a strategic partnership of local newspapers, broadcast stations and digital media companies across the United States, totaling more than 75 members representing more than 1,700 digital properties. The LMC is...
LMC to Use Klangoo A.I. to Grow Audience & Improve Engagement Across Its Members’ Digital Properties
HOBOKEN, NEW JERSEY, UNITED STATES, October 18, 2018 EIN Presswire - Klangoo, an established Artificial Intelligence (AI) company and the developer of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools and services, today announced a new partnership with the Local Media...
Local Media Consortium Adds Five New Companies to Expanding List of Partners
NEW YORK, Sept. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The Local Media Consortium, a strategic alliance of leading local media companies, today announced that it has added five more companies to its growing list of partners. The LMC's partnerships provide...
How does GDPR affect online news publishers?
GDPR is the EU’s data protection law. It came into effect in May 2018 and it applies in all EU countries. This means it applies to all websites that individuals in EU countries can access, including news websites. So, how does GDPR affect online news publishers? It...
A Case For Personalized Push Notifications.
Being a news addict, I have (only) 6 news apps installed on my mobile phone. All of them offer breaking news push alerts and for a reason: push works for news organizations. According to this study by Newscycle Solutions, push notifications increase...
How To Turn Readers Into Video Viewers & How To Keep Them Engaged
A recent study from the Reuters Institute found that website users, in particular, remain resistant to online video news - with only around 2.5% of average visit time spent on video pages, in a range of 30 online news sites; 97.5% of time is still spent with...
Increase Traffic to Content you Can Monetize Best.
Media and Publishing companies are no longer focusing on Page Views as a Key Performance Indicator. For example, the Financial Times looks over the last 90 days to see how recently a reader visited them, how many times they visited, and how much they read during that...
How To Improve Newsletter Performance and Collect Email Addresses
Publishers are rethinking newsletters and are looking for more ways to collect e-mail addresses to be able to uniquely identify a visitor- one of the challenges when implementing a data management platform. Although newsletters are still a great tool to get readers to...
“It’s the Engagement Time, Stupid!” – Is Personalisation of Content the New Black?
“It’s the economy, stupid!” is a phrase associated with Bill Clinton's successful 1992 presidential campaign against sitting president George Bush. And 4 years before G.W. Bush used the phrase “Read my lips: no new taxes”. As you notice,...
MEVP’s IMPACT Fund announces $12.5M investment in 5 Lebanese tech startups
The Middle East Venture Partners fund (MEVP), one of Lebanon’s larger Venture Capital funds, held last Friday the 24th, a signing ceremony with six Lebanese banks with its recently launch IMPACT Fund. Being the first fund to comply with Banque du Liban...