In today's digital era, publishers are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance user engagement and deliver personalized experiences. Klangoo developed Magnet; a patented AI-based Audience Engagement Solution that offers a suite of remarkable features designed to...
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The secret behind having a personalized newsletter that actually works
Newsletters have been an ever-present buzzword over the past 10 years in the Marketing world, and rightly so. For news publishers, newsletters are a valuable asset as they keep the readers engaged,increase brand loyalty, generate more leads, and increase...
How Personalized Content Can Drive More Conversions?
Content marketing is critical for bridging the gap between customers and businesses and improving interaction, hence, the need for personalization. Facilities can analyze the demands of different clients and tailor content for each visitor when they incorporate...
Recommendations: Tags vs Topics
Algorithmic curation is now the most important factor when it comes to personalization and recommendations, and even more so when it comes to news websites. A recommendation system pretty much does a librarian's job: if the librarian knows you well, they know what...
Buy vs. Make: Recommendation Engines
Delivering a truly remarkable digital experience requires you to personalize your properties based on your users' persona and behavior. Classifying your visitors into different segments, identifying their unique needs and patterns across your digital properties, and...
5 Ways To Attract New Viewers To Your Website
There are many ways of attracting viewers to your website – we have selected a few that we find are the most important. Keep checking our blog to stay updated on the latest best practices to drive traffic and engagement to your website. Personalized Newsletters We all...
5 Essential Technology Tools for Online News Publishers
Some of the new digital tools available to publishers today are outstanding – with a lot more coming into the market day by day. Yet, that overwhelming availability is a problem in itself – making it harder for publishers to choose and identify the optimal solution....
The Myth behind “Returning Visitors”
Publishers use many metrics to measure their traffic, readership & audience. One of the metrics used is “returning visitors” – usually taken as an indication of loyalty. But how accurate is this? Understanding Returning Visitors: New Visitors are those...
6 Creative Ways to Get People to Share Your Article
Getting people to share articles is crucial to the success of news websites. Sharing increases the reach of the article as well as increasing the chances the article will get a backlink. Both help Google rankings as well as...
Online News Video Strategies That Worked
The past two years, and more specifically 2016-2017, witnessed the rise and “fall” of the “pivot to video” strategy for online news publishers. It goes without saying that videos: are more attractive than text => Higher CTR/PageViewsengage visitors longer =>...
How does GDPR affect online news publishers?
GDPR is the EU’s data protection law. It came into effect in May 2018 and it applies in all EU countries. This means it applies to all websites that individuals in EU countries can access, including news websites. So, how does GDPR affect online news publishers? It...
How To Turn Readers Into Video Viewers & How To Keep Them Engaged
A recent study from the Reuters Institute found that website users, in particular, remain resistant to online video news - with only around 2.5% of average visit time spent on video pages, in a range of 30 online news sites; 97.5% of time is still spent with...
Increase Traffic to Content you Can Monetize Best.
Media and Publishing companies are no longer focusing on Page Views as a Key Performance Indicator. For example, the Financial Times looks over the last 90 days to see how recently a reader visited them, how many times they visited, and how much they read during that...
“It’s the Engagement Time, Stupid!” – Is Personalisation of Content the New Black?
“It’s the economy, stupid!” is a phrase associated with Bill Clinton's successful 1992 presidential campaign against sitting president George Bush. And 4 years before G.W. Bush used the phrase “Read my lips: no new taxes”. As you notice,...